Thoughts on moving


It's been wonderful to get back into web design. Compared to my last site, I'm aiming for this one to be more organized, focused, and to be coded in a way that is actually modifiable in the future without fear of breaking everything

My ideas remain pretty much the same -- this is to serve as kind of a reminder for myself that the internet can still be a fun place. I'm continuing to do my best in stepping away from social media and the like, and seeking out as many smaller, passion-driven sites that I can, because they are so enjoyable. Doing this as opposed to switching between the same few major sites is what I feel like "surfing the web" should be about.

I think the major difference between Mourniingstar and Interstellar Vessel is that I've been able to seriously cut my dependence on the internet for everything. I don't feel like I need to surround my internet persona with every single thing I like because I'm also able to express myself in person. It sounds simple, but being on certain parts of the internet for years can make you think that your online persona has to be 1:1 to your actual self, and everything needs to be shared. This can be hard to explain but if you've been on tumblr you know the site has this huge culture of listing out every single one of your traits, likes, dislikes, and even trauma-related things because it's normal for everything about someone to be published and omission of information is seen as dishonest. In the past year that I've stepped away from being social online, I've started to realize the importance of privacy and forming strong connections with people instead of posting everything cuz mutuals = friends. So yeah, I'm toning it down a bit, and I'm going to put a greater focus on publishing things because I think it's fun to write about rather than because I think people need to know about it. This site will function less as a "second home" and more as a passion project on the side.

I'd like my site to function as a few things: coding practice, a place to keep links/graphics/ect handy and organized, an outlet for writing, and as a reason to keep practicing pixel art. I have a lot of things I like to talk about, and putting it down into paragraphs makes my brain go :D