ごめんなさい ごめんなさい Sorry… Sorry… その一言すら脳裏には無くて Even that single word is not on my mind 消えてよ 消えてよ Disappear! Disappear! 今すぐにそこから去ってしまってよ Just quickly go away right now! 何時だって私だけの特権だと It was always only my privilege! 疑ったこと無いから Because you didn’t doubt it… 泥の分際で私だけの大切を奪おうだなんて Being low as dirt, taking what’s important from me だって地面の上這って見上げることしか能が無いくせに Yet crawling on the dirt, being able to only look up この翼の美しさには敵わないのだから Because you will never reach the beauty of these wings of mine… 何も怖れてないのよ 何も怖れてないのに I’m not afraid of anything! Nothing scares me, but still… 痛い 痛い 痛い 痛いのよ It hurts, it hurts, it hurts, it hurts! 気のせいだ 気のせいだ 気のせいだ It’s all in my imagination, it’s just my imagination, it’s my imagination… あぁ 無口になって 目も合わせなくなって Turning mute, not ever crossing eyesight, それで気づいてよって 鈍感な貴方に酔って Because of noticing this, getting drunk by the dull you 距離を取ることだって 逆に甘えてみたって Taking the distance, trying to act like a spoiled child instead 全然伝わることなくて 絶対嫌われたくはないの Without telling at all, I don’t want to be hated, you know! 強く酷く期待して想えば想う程に荒立って Strongly! Violently! Anticipating - The more I think the wilder I become! そうだ全部彼奴のせいだって I know it’s all his fault! 泥の分際で私だけの大切を奪おうだなんて Being low as dirt, taking what’s important from me だって期限付きの生を有り難がるしか能が無いくせに Because you can’t do anything but appreciate the time-limited life of yours! この翼は永遠の先まで果てることないから Because the eternity of these wings still won’t come to and end… 何も怖れてないのよ 何も怖れてないのに I’m not afraid of anything! Nothing scares me, but still… 痛い 痛い 痛い 痛いのよ It hurts, it hurts, it hurts, it hurts! 気のせいだ 気のせいだ 気のせいだ It’s all in my imagination, it’s just my imagination, it’s my imagination… 強く甘く期待して笑えば笑うほどに苛立って Strongly! Sweetly! Anticipating - The more I laugh the more irritated I become! そうだ全部彼奴のせいだって I know it’s all his fault! ごめんなさい ごめんなさい Sorry… Sorry… その一言すら脳裏には無くて Even that single word is not on my mind… 消えてよ 消えてよ Disappear! Disappear! 今すぐにそこから去ってしまってよ Just quickly go away right now! 何時だって私だけの特権だと It was always my privilege! 疑ったこと無いから Because you didn’t doubt it… 泥の分際で私だけの大切を奪おうだなんて Being low as dirt, taking what’s important from me だって地面の上這って汚らわしいのに可愛がんないでよ Crawling on the dirt, so filthy, not looking pretty at all! 見て私を 貴方が褒めてくれたこの翼を Look, at me, these wings that you praised 綺麗でしょ They’re beautiful, aren’t they? 泥の分際が選ばれて私が追放だなんて Choosing to be as low as dirt, kicking me out?! 絶対に貴方のせいよ 何かの間違いなんだ こんなのはね It’s all your fault for sure! It should be a mistake, these wings! 「ごめんなさい」すらも届かないほどの速さで堕ちてく Falling that fast, that even “sorry” doesn’t reach you… 本当に愛してる 私だけの貴方を I really love you! The “you” of mine, 未練 未練 未練 未練しか Regrets, regrets, regrets, except for regrets 残らないこんな結末を The conclusion where nothing is left 反逆者として背負ってくんだね I’m going to take responsibility as a traitor, aren’t I?!
ああ くらべられっ子 くらべられっ子 Oh, compared child, compared child, とっくに知ってるよ I already know あの子より劣ってるのは You don’t have to tell me, 言われなくても解ってるよ I know I’ll never be as good as her だから比べないで いや比べんな So please don’t compare, no don’t compare 私をほっといて Just leave me alone 左側が痛いから My left side hurts and 困るのよ it troubles me 何となく差を感じて I always felt the gap between us 生きてたけど背伸びしていた I was alive but I was aiming too high A, B, C, D, E, F, G どの選択肢を選ぼうと No matter what I chose 失敗のほうが多くって I failed much more than I succeeded また怪我しちゃった and I only got hurt some more 痛いの痛いの飛んでけって Pain, O pain, go flying away 思っても意味無いこと頭によぎって Or so I keep wishing even though I know it’s pointless 下して いつの間にか泣きだして And before I know it, I start to cry トドメ刺せたらどれだけ楽だろう How easy would it be if all this was put to an end 捨てられたいな Just throw me away くらべられっ子 くらべられっ子 Compared child, compared child とっくに知ってるよ I know that already 大切なモノ馬鹿にされてしまう運命なんだって It’s just fate that people mock what I love the most だから諦めたよ もう諦めた That’s how I gave up, yes I gave up already 私をほっといて Just leave me alone だけど夢に出てくるの But I keep dreaming about something 可笑しいよね Ridiculous, isn’t it? ちょっとだけ 少しだけど It was only for a bit, just a short while ありのままで向き合っていた But I was facing it as my real true self V, W and X, Y, Z どのチームに属してみても No matter which side I’m on 失敗ばかり目立つようで It seems that my failures keep standing out あれ?悪化しちゃった I think it just got worse 暗いの暗いの怖いなって So dark, so dark, I got so scared 思ったら身体一つでさえ動かなくて and before I knew it my body would not budge 蓋して 好きなことも霞むから I can’t even see what I love 隣の彼女 旗を揚げていた The girl right next to me had raised a flag 眩しすぎるわ It’s too bright くらべられっ子 くらべられっ子 Compared child, compared child それでも生きてるよ I’m alive in spite of it all 大した結果も出せないのに図々しく生きてるよ I can’t bring home any good results, but I am still alive だから息を吐いて 口を塞いだ So I let go of my breath and closed my mouth 私をほっといて Just leave me alone そしたら瞳閉じるの 終わりだね Then I will close my eyes, finally it’s the end 平行線から交わって From parallel lines we cross our paths ほら全部外側に置いてってみよう Hey, let’s put it all aside for now 無理だよ I can’t! ああ くらべられっ子 くらべられっ子 Oh compared child, compared child とっくに知ってるよ I know it already 最期の日まで報われそうにないことも解ってるよ I know that my efforts won’t go rewarded even ‘til the end だから構わないで 話しかけんな So don’t mind me and don’t talk to me 私をほっといて Just leave me alone 最初から知りたかったなぁ If only I know right from the start 嫌いになっちゃった That I’d come to hate you くらべられっ子 くらべられっ子 Compared child, compared child 私に言ってるよ I know she’s talking to me 周りが何にも見えなくなって勝手に決めつけてるよ She’s making assumptions because she can’t see anything だから思い出して もう忘れんな So remember this and don’t you forget it anymore 本当は大好きだって I actually love you so much 息を止めていた君を You stopped breathing 抱きしめて As I embraced you 二人は手を繋いで The two of them linking hands
ちょうだいな ちょうだいな Give it, give it その綺麗な顔面 真っ白な肌 That beautiful face, that pure white skin 明るい性格 幸せな家庭 That bright personality, that happy family 希望に満ちた未来の全てを And the whole future filled with hope ちょうだいな ちょうだいな Give it, give it 私には無くて?全部盗られて? Because I don’t have anything? Everything’s been taken away? 痛いよなんて?誰も聞いてなくて? Even if it hurts, no one listens 愛って何だい?奪うことですか? What is Love? Is it something to take away? ちょうだいな ちょうだいな I want it, I want it だから! That’s why! さぁ悪魔と契約だ Now, make a deal with the devil そして根こそぎ奪い取りましょう And we’ll take it all from the roots 全部 全部 痛めつけて All of it, all of it, hurt all of me 貴方を不幸に誘いますね I’ll put you in misery だって御社もさぁ? You know what? 奪って笑って商売繁盛 You took it away, laughed at it, and succeeded 当然の報い 報い 報い You deserve it. Rewards, rewards, rewards ただ愛を知りたかった I just wanted to know what love was 温もりを知りたかったよ I wish I knew what warmth feels なんてねっ Just kidding! ちょうだいな ちょうだいな Give it, give it その愉快な人生 真っ当な人生 That pleasant life, that fair life 楽しい人生 幸せな人生 That good life, that happy life 期待に満ちた生涯の全てを A life full of hope and expectations ちょうだいな ちょうだいな Give it, give it 私には無くて? 全部壊れて? I don’t have it? It’s all broken? 辛いよなんて?誰も聞いてなくて? It’s hard? Did no one tell you? 好きって何だい?恨むことですか? What do you mean by like? Is it to hold a grudge? ちょうだいな ちょうだいな Give it, give it だから! That’s why! さぁ悪魔と契約だ Now, make a deal with the devil そのキラキラの目 掬い取りましょう And we’ll scoop up those sparkling eyes 全部 全部 騙し騙し All of it, all of it, a fake, a fake 貴方を不幸に誘いますね I’ll put you in misery だって御社もさぁ? You know what? 奪って笑って商売繁盛 You took it away, laughed at it, and succeeded 当然の報い 報い 報い You deserve it. Rewards, rewards, rewards ただ人で在りたかった I just wanted to be a person 慈しみ 触れたかったよ Compassion, I wish I’ve felt it なんてねっ Just kidding! さぁ悪魔と舞 舞だ Now, let’s dance with the devil そして弱さも忘れてしまえ And forget about your weaknesses 全部 全部 御宅らのせいだろ? All of it, all of it. Isn’t it all your fault? ほら 不幸に誘いますね See, I’m putting you in misery だって御社もさぁ? You know what? 奪って笑って商売繁盛 You took it away, laughed at it, and succeeded 当然の報い 報い 報い A deserved karma, karma, karma ただ愛を知りたかった I just wanted to know what love was 幸せになりたかったよ I just wanted to be happy もう戻れないのね There’s no going back この代償の先は Beyond this price to pay もう手遅れなんだね It’s too late for that, isn’t it この代償の先は Beyond this price to pay
お先真っ暗な人生 My future is nothing but dark 最早、どうでもいいや I don’t care anymore 夢とかどうやったら見つかるの? Dreams, how do I find them? 教えてよ ちゃんと良い子にしたじゃん Please tell me. I thought I was being good 学校は皆勤賞 部活も頑張った I had perfect attendance at school, I worked hard at club activities too テストの点も悪くはなかったはずだけど My test scores weren’t too bad either 目隠しがキツくて外れない But the blindfold is too tight, it won’t come off がむしゃらな態度で僕を見下さないで Don’t look down on me with your frantic attitude ムカつくんだ It’s annoying 追いかけてる姿が眩しくて It’s so bright how you’re chasing after something 社会の最底辺でこのまま朽ちてゆく I’ll just rot away like this at the very bottom of society 漠然としたまま過ぎ去ってしまうわ My vague life will just pass away 涙すら枯れてしまった Even my tears have withered away 幼少期の頃ならば 沢山夢ありました I had lots of dreams when I was little パティシエさんになりたくて I wanted to become a patissier スポーツ選手も悪くなさげだ A sports player didn’t seem bad either 遠く過去を思い出せ Remember the long past 全部強いて言うならの話だ They’re all just “if I were to choose” 特別な努力とか無くて I didn’t do anything special for them だって「夢」だろう Because they’re “dreams” 特に不自由のない日々を送らせてもらった I’d lived a life without any hardships だからさ 信じて疑う余地もなかった So I just believed without any doubts 夢とかどうやったら語れるの? Dreams, how can I talk about them? 教えてよ ちゃんと良い子にしたじゃん Please tell me. I thought I was being good くらべられっ子 聴いても意味ないね “Compared Child”, I listen to it but there’s no point 劣等生のあの子のほうが上手くいってる She’s more successful, even while being “inferior” 目隠しがキツくて外れない The blindfold is too tight, it won’t come off ひたむきな態度で僕を見下さないで Don’t look down on me with your earnestness ムカつくんだ It’s annoying 熱く語る姿が妬ましくて I’m so jealous of how you talk with passion 社会の最底辺でこのまま朽ちてゆく I’ll just rot away like this at the very bottom of society 呆然としたまま飛び込んでしまうわ I’ll jump in, dumbfounded 涙すら枯れてしまった Even my tears have withered away 幼少期の頃ならば 沢山褒められました I was praised a lot when I was little 将来、超期待されて They all expected a lot from my future, お年玉やプレゼント貰えて I got New Years money and presents ずっと続けばいいのに I wish that could go on forever なんでこうもあからさまに数は減り But the numbers of them so obviously go down そして無いのが当然だと And then, it’s normal not to get anything at all 全部、夢みたい It’s all like a dream だけど不自由のない日々を送らせてもらった But still, I’ve lived a life without any hardships だからさ 信じて疑う余地もなかった So I believed, without any doubts お先真っ暗な人生 My future is nothing but dark 最早、どうでもいいや I don’t care anymore 夢とかどうやったら見つかるの? Dreams, how do I find them? 教えてよ だって!良い子にしたじゃん・・・ Please tell me! I was being good, you know?! 無事、大人ってやつになって 言うことも聞いてきた I became an “adult” without problems, I’ve done what I’ve been told to do 容姿は特に良くはなかったけども My looks aren’t especiially good 中の下くらいの人生 生きてきた I’ve lived a mediocre life がむしゃらな態度で僕を見下さないで Don’t look down on me with your frantic attitude ムカつくんだ It’s annoying 幸せそうな声が憎らしくて I hate your happy-sounding voice 社会の最底辺でこのまま朽ちてゆく I’ll just rot away like this at the very bottom of society 漠然としたまま過ぎ去ってしまうわ My vague life will just pass away 涙すら枯れてしまった Even my tears have withered away 枯れてしまったんだ They’ve withered away
もうどれくらい時が経ったかな Wondering how long it's been 雨の日も風の日も僕は I've been in rainy days and in windy days 貴方の帰りを待ち続けてる Waiting for you to come back home 知らない他人の怒声や怪我もしたけど I've met strangers that yelled at me, I've been hurt but へっちゃらだよ I'm fine with it それで貴方に会えるのなら So if I could meet you, 怖くないから I'm not scared いつまでも貴方を待ってる I'll always be waiting for you 今日の日も夕暮れに染まったけど Today's day was shaded with dusk but 貴方の姿は無くて You were not in sight 列車の音 また期待して 僕は While expecting the sound of the train to come again 尾を振りながら浅い眠りについたよ I fell into a shallow sleep with my tail wagging 夢をみたよ おもひでが溢れて I had a dream, a dream full of memories わん わん わん woof woof woof 「ただいま」の声で目が覚めて To wake up to the sound of "I'm home" 「おかえり」って言う為にまた今日も待つよ I'll wait for you today to say "Welcome home" 今日の日も何だか前がぼやけて Today's day in front of me was a bit blurry as well 貴方の姿 探して I'm trying to find you 大好きな匂いがした気がして It felt like I smelled something I loved 背伸びしながら浅い眠りについたよ As I started to slouch, I fell into a shallow sleep 夢をみたよ 幸せが溢れて I had a dream, a dream full of happiness わん わん わん woof woof woof 「ただいま」の声で目が覚めて To wake up to the sound of "I'm home" 「おかえり」って言う為にまた今日も待つよ I'll wait for you today to say "Welcome home" もうどれくらい時が経ったかな Wondering how long it's been 春も夏も秋も冬の日も Spring, Summer, Autumn, and Winter days 季節の旅 貴方に会えぬまま A journey through the seasons without seeing you 優しい他人の想いもすり抜けて Even when the thoughts of the kind strangers slips through 此処でずっと待ってる I'll still be here waiting for you それで貴方に逢えるのなら If that's how I could meet you 辛くないから It's not that hard いつまでも貴方を待ってる I'll always be waiting for you ずっと待っている I've been waiting あぁ ずっと待っている Ahh, I've been waiting for so long 貴方のその温もりに触れたいだけ I just want to feel your warmth again 今日の日も Even today ずっと待っている I've been waiting あぁ ずっと待っている Ahh, I've been waiting for so long 僕は立っている I'm standing still ずっと笑って Smiling all the way 僕は待っている I'm waiting
ロックな君とはお別れだ I'm gonna say goodbye to the rock-and-roll you だから! So! 僕に目もくれないで先ばかり行って Going on ahead without looking back at me at all 君のその才能に僕は嫉妬して Envying that talent of yours 馬鹿にすんなよ 傍迷惑だ Don't treat me like an idiot, it's getting annoying ロックな君とはお別れだ I'm gonna say goodbye to the rock-and-roll you ずっと僕は君に囚われたまま For so long, I've been trapped by you いつだって其処に憧れて I've always longed for that stage でも芯が折れていたから But since my pencil lead broke 全部、中途半端になって All my efforts end up half-hearted ロックな君とはお別れだ I'm gonna say goodbye to the rock-and-roll you ずっと僕は紛い物と笑われ For so long, I've been laughed at for being an imposter いつまでもダサい姿晒して All this time, I've been showing my lame side ロックじゃないね ロックに生きたいね That's not rock, I want to live a rock-and-roll life そう、だからお別れだ So that's why this is goodbye じゃあね See ya 才能豊かに生きてきたつもりだった I thought that I had been blessed with many talents 優等生ぶっていたボロだらけの劣等生だ But I was just a worn-out inferior student playing at being an honor student 直感だけど何とかなる気がしていた I always thought that things would work out somehow, even though that was nothing but a feeling 真っ当なんかじゃないけど特別になりたかった Even though I wasn't a good person, I wanted to be special 走ってるよ 走ってるよ I'm running, I'm running 磨いてるよ 磨いてるよ I'm polishing it up, I'm polishing it up 光ってないね But it's not shining 言葉じゃ何とでも言えるからさ After all, words are cheap ロックな君とはお別れだ I'm gonna say goodbye to the rock-and-roll you ずっと僕は君に離されたまま You've always kept me away from you いつの日か其処に追いつきたい Someday I want to catch up to you でも角が欠けていたから But since my tools were chipped 全部、中途半端になって All my efforts end up half-hearted ロックな君とはお別れだ I'm gonna say goodbye to the rock-and-roll you ずっと僕は卑怯者と笑われ For so long, I've been laughed at for being unfair いつからか全て見えなくなって Somewhere along the line my vision went blank ロックじゃないね ロックに生きたいね That's not rock, I want to live a rock-and-roll life そう、だからお別れだ So that's why this is goodbye じゃあね See ya 変わったから 変わったから Since I changed, since I changed 悟ったから 悟ったから Since I realized, since I realized わかってないね I don't understand 言葉じゃ何とでも言えるからさ After all, words are cheap 僕なんてたかが知れた程度に× A mark against me for being untalented 君の足元に縋る程度に× A mark against me for clinging to you 泣いたって君は絶対振り向かないよな Even if I cry, you definitely wouldn't turn back, right? もう全部わかってるよ I understand everything now ロックな君とはお別れだ I'm gonna say goodbye to the rock-and-roll you ずっと僕は君に囚われていた For so long, I've been trapped by you いつだって其処に憧れて I've always longed for that stage でも芯が折れていたから But since my pencil lead broke 全部、中途半端になって All my efforts end up half-hearted ロックな君とはお別れだ I'm gonna say goodbye to the rock-and-roll you きっと僕は花にはなれないけど I'm sure I won't be able to become a flower 雑草の如く転んでも踏まれても立ち上がる But even if I stumble, if I'm stepped on, like a weed, I'll get back up ロックに生きたいね I want to live a rock-and-roll life そう、だからお別れだ So that's why this is goodbye じゃあね See ya 君が居たから僕は此処に立っている Because you were there I'm able to stand right here 僕は此処に立っている I'm able to stand right here ロックな君とはお別れだ I'm gonna say goodbye to the rock-and-roll you
生きてるだけ無駄だって Even living is pointless for me, 私の事なんて見放してよ So just let me go already どうせ夢の一つもないから Because I don't even have a single dream anyway いくらでも替えが利くでしょ Everything can always be replaced, right? スクラップみたいになってさ Even I've become such scrap こんな状態の私なんて Being in this state, そのまま破棄だよ I got discarded just like that 目新しい環境も来ない Even the new environment isn't coming 代わり映えしない景色で In a scenery that remains unchanged ずっと同じ花を見ている I've been looking at the same flower all along その枯れた花を That withered flower 世渡り上手の君の姿 輝かしくて You, a worldy-wise figure, are glorious ドジを踏んでばかりの私とは違うね Unlike me, who has always made mistakes 生きてるだけ無駄だって Even living is pointless for me, 私の事なんて見放してよ So just let me go already どうせ邪魔になって Because I'll just be a nuisance 迷惑ばかりかけてしまうからね And only cause you more troubles どんな救いの言葉も聞き飽きたから I'm sick of hearing any words of salvation, 耳塞いでさ So I just cover my ears 花びらたちと共に散って Falling along with scattering petals, 楽になりたいよ I just want to live in peace ずっと かくれんぼっち I've been playing hide and seek alone all along いくらでも文句言えるよ No matter how much I can complain その先に何もなくてさ There's nothing beyond that こんな負の連鎖 飼い馴らして Even breaking this negative chain, 他の趣味無いの? Isn't there any other hobbies I have? 目に毒だって解ってるけど I know it's a bad thing to my eyes 見なきゃ気が済まないんだよ But I won't feel better unless I see it だから止まぬ雨を見ている That's why I'm watching the rain that never stops, その汚い雨を That dirty never-ending rain 賭け事上手の君の姿 力強くて You, and excellent risk taker, are strong 骨に皮貼っただけの私じゃ無理だね As for me, who has only stayed in comfort zone, it's impossible 生きてるだけ無駄だって Even living is pointless for me, 私の事なんて見放してよ So just let me go already ざーざー雨が降って舞って勝手 The rain is falling and dancing in its own way 大切なノート 駄目にして Ruining my precious notebook そんな心の奥底で書き留めた That little scream I wrote down 小さな叫びは from the bottom of my heart, 鈍色の空に消えて disappeared in the dull sky 稲妻になったよ and became one with the lightning ずっと かくれんぼっち I've been playing hide and seek alone all along 探さないで Don't look for me, 呼ばないでおくれよ Please don't call out to me, 見つけないで このまま Don't find me, just leave things as it is 生きてるだけ無駄だって Even living is pointless for me 私の事なんて見放してよ So just let me go already どうせ夢の一つもないから Because I don't even have a single dream anyway どうせ笑う資格もないから Because I don't deserve to laugh anyway 生きてるだけ無駄だって Even living is pointless for me 私の事なんて見放してよ So just let me go already 生まれ変わったとて来世もその先も Even if I were reborn, the afterlife and beyond 全部ハズレだよ Would go all wrong どんな救いの言葉も聞き飽きたから I'm sick of hearing any words of salvation, 耳塞いでさ So I just cover my ears せめて綺麗な花になって At least I want to become a beautiful flower 摘み取られたいよ Before to be picked ずっと かくれんぼっち I've been playing hide and seek alone all along 探さないで Don't look for me 呼ばないでおくれよ Please don't call out to me 見つけないで このまま Don't find me, just leave things as it is
でも私は悔いて叫んで雨が降って And yet, I regret and scream as the rain falls ねぇ聞いて Hey, listen 終点の先があるとするならば If there was an endpoint 願っていいのなら If I could only wish もう一回現世で降りて Could I go down into the world once again 初めからやり直させて and start all over again? 終点の先なんてありはしないなら If there was really no endpoint 私はずっとこうして I'll be like this forever 涙を溢し続けるの Will the tears keep overflowing? 後悔をしているのね I know I'll have regrets 早まったあの私を For being too rash on myself どうか抱きしめてよ So please, just give me a hug って去って and leave お花畑 ぽかぽか A field of flowers, so warm and inviting 綺麗な川の水を浴びて Whilst bathing in the clean river water 夜はお星さまが近くで見れて And at night, I could see the stars up close だけど誰も居ないんだ And yet, there's nobody here 私が確かに望んだことで Surely, this is what I wanted そうだっけ If that's so? 何で生きてる時の私は Why did I wanted to die 死にたいって思った When I was still alive? ねぇ聞いて Hey, listen 終点の先があるとするならば If there was an endpoint, ないものねだりで There's probably none for me だってあのバスに乗るまでは Did I only realize it when I got on that bus 「消えてしまいたい」嘘じゃないよ That I was lying about "wanting to disappear"? 終点の先なんてありはしないなら If there was really no endpoint 私はずっとこうして I'll be like this forever 涙を消えた傷跡に With tears on a scar long gone 後悔の念で濡らして Drenched with regrets 早まったあの私を For being too rash on myself 動画巻き戻して So please, just turn back って去って and leave 消えてしまいたい生涯なんてもんに愛を望んだって In a lifetime of wanting to disappear, I longed for love 消えてしまいたい生涯なんてもんに温もり望んだって In a lifetime of wanting to disappear, I yearned for warmth ねぇ聞いて Hey, listen 終点の先があるとするならば If there was an endpoint 救ってくれませんか Could you save me? もう消えたいなんて言葉を Though I'm uncertain if I won't use the words 使わない保証は無いけれど "want to disappear" ever again だからってバス乗って逃げても Even so, I won't be getting on the bus to run away 解決するはずもないから Because that hasn't solved anything 涙を受け止めてほしくて I want you to accept my tears 後悔をしているから Because I'm having regrets 早まったあの私みたいに I just didn't want you to end up あなたにはなってほしくなくて being too rash like me 終点の先があるとするならば If there was an endpoint, ほら奪って去って Come on, take it and leave
あの世行きのバスに乗ってさらば I'm getting on the bus to the other world, see ya! 幼い頃 殺めた命は数えきれず I cant count the lives I ruined when I was young, 小さな命を葬っては平然と笑って帰路についた I'd smile as I bury another life before heading home 今になって考えたら真っ先に死ぬのは私でよかった Looking back now, I should've been the first one to die うらうらとした周りの空気が濃くて So cheerful despite the gloomy atmosphere 存在価値を奪うでしょ I've lost my will to live 生命線とか無駄に長いだけで Life is just needlessly long 何の役にも立たないただのしわだよ Nothing but meaningless wrinkles and creases 心の奥がしょうもない人生観を嘆いているの My heart pointlessly laments this hopeless take on life 耳に刺さる理想 吐き捨てて Spitting out ideals that just hurt my ears! 消えてしまいたい生涯なんてもんにどんな値が付いて What value is there to a life that wants to end? 自己中心的だって?思いの欠片も知らないで Am I just being selfish? I don't even know what to think! どうせ向こう数十年経った先では煙たがれて In the end, after a few years I'll just be a nuisance なら私を刺して殺して奪って去って So stab me, kill me, and take me away あの世行きのバスに乗ってさらば I'm getting on the bus to the other world, see ya! 幼い頃 馬鹿にされたことも忘れきれず I still remember the times I was made fun of as a kid 身に覚えのない理不尽さが頭から離れてくれないんだ These unreasonable thoughts that I don't even remember thinking just won't go away 今になって考えたら何故飲み込んだのか Looking back now, how did I just swallow the pain? あぁ 歯向かえばよかった Ah, if only I had fought back もやもやとした人混みの中を這って Sulking about in a hazy crowd of people 存在価値を示すのよ Displaying a life that seems worth living 幸福論とか無駄に深いだけで The 'Theory of Happiness' is uselessly deep 何の役にも立たないただの文字だよ Just some words that don't serve any purpose 浅い心がパッとしない焦燥感に駆られているの My shallow heart is driven by an uneasy, fretful rush 時だけが経って戻れないな Nothing but time passes, and it can never come back... 消えてしまいたい生涯なんてもんにどんな芽が生えて What takes root in life just makes me want to disappear 面倒くさい奴だって?お前の声とか要らないわ You say I'm a nuisance? No one asked for your opinion! どうせ向こう数十年経った先まで持ち越すだけ In the end, after a few years it'll just be the same thing... なら私を刺して殺して奪って去って So stab me, kill me, and take me away 消えてしまいたい生涯なんてもんに意味はあるんですか Is there any meaning to life if you want it to end? 消えてしまいたい生涯なんてもんに夢はあるんですか Are there any dreams seen in a life that wants to end? 無いじゃん There are none. 消えてしまいたい生涯なんてもんにどんな値が付いて What value is there to a life that wants to end? 辛いよね分かるよだって?分かったようなこと言わないで "That must suck" "I get it" Don't act as if you understand! どうせ向こう数十年経った先でも嘆いていて In the end, after a few years, I'll still be suffering なら私を刺して殺して奪って去って So stab me, kill me, and take me away それが私に出来る最初で最後の悪あがきだ This is the only thing I thought to do, my first and final struggle in vain あの世行きのバスに乗ってさらば I'm getting on the bus to the other world, see ya! でも私は悔いて叫んで雨が降って And yet, I regret, and scream as the rain falls...
大切なものを The important things 守りたくて 守りたくて I wanted to protect, I wanted to protect 辛くたって 弱くたって whether I'm suffering, or I'm weak アタシには立ち止まる選択肢はない for me, staying still is not an option 走って 走って 走ってるけど I'm running, and running, and running それじゃ、ダメなの? but is that wrong? 誰に願ったって叶いやしない It won't come true no matter who I wish upon 派手な痛み 圧に Through extravagant pains and pressures 酷く 強く 耐えて だけど with struggles and with strength I withstood, but 全部守るって in the tears I shed that day 覚悟決めた あの日の涙には that I decided to protect all 嘘なんて 嘘なんて how can there be lies, how can there be lies? 証明だって出来るから I can prove my self, I swear 「出来ないでしょ」 "There's no way you can" じゃあ、正義は何処に在るの? Then, where does justice live? 無力 小さな手 What a helpless small hand 何一つ 掴めないで馬鹿だね So stupid, how it can't grab a single thing 全部 全部 Everything, everything 消えちゃえばどれだけ楽だろうか How easy would it be if it all disappeared 全部 全部 Everything, everything そこには地獄だけが待っていた and there, there was only hell awaiting 全部 全部 Everything, everything アタシが守るからね 大丈夫 It'll be I who protects it all so don't worry 全部 全部 全部 Everything, everything, everything ずっと独りで身を削って Forever scratching myself away, all alone 壊れそうでも even at the brink of breaking 「決めたから」 "because I decided so" 傷つけど、愛してる It might be painful, but I still love it 大切なものを The important things 守りたくて 守りたくて I wanted to protect, I wanted to protect 大切なものを The important things 守りたくて 守りたくて I wanted to protect, I wanted to protect 大切なものを The important things 許したくて 許せなくて I wanted to forgive, I wanted to forgive 怖くたって 痛くたって Whether I am scared, or in pain アタシには立ち止まる選択肢はない for me, staying still is not an option 走って 走って 走ってるけど I'm running, and running, and running それじゃ、ダメなの? but is that wrong? それじゃ、ダメなの? Is that wrong? 誰に願ったって叶いやしない It won't come true no matter who I wish upon 派手な痛み 雨に By extravagant pains and rain 打たれ 呑まれ I was hit, and swallowed 泣いて だけど and I was in tears, but 全部守るって In the tears I shed that day 覚悟決めた あの日の涙には that I decided to protect it all 嘘なんて 嘘なんて How can there be lies, how can there be lies? だから笑っていつかまた So I must smile it up, and one day 「抱きしめて」 "embrace it again" 想いは届きやしないけど though the feelings won't come across 今は 小さな手 Right now, I take the small hands 仲間とね 合わせて一つにして and with my companions, put them together and make it one 全部 全部 Everything, everything 元に戻ることは無いけれど will never return to how it was 全部 全部 全部 Everything, everything, everything ずっと独りで塞ぎ込んで Forever blocking it out, all alone 壊れないように so that it won't break 「同じだね」 It's still the same 傷つけど、愛してる It might be painful, but I still love it.
平行線から遠のいて Our parallel lines are growing distant ほら天気予報も当たんなくて Look ,the weather forecast isn't right either こんなぐずった空に舞って Dancing in such a messy sky 僕の声ばっか恥ずかしいね My voice is embarrassing 放課のチャイムが鳴ったって The school bell chimes 君の横顔で聴こえなくて I can't hear you in your profile もう 優等生には出来ない事なんだ This is something even an honors student couldn't figure out 声に出すのは簡単で It's easy to voice it でも伝えるのは難しくて But telling you is difficult 本当だって分かんないの? Do you really not get it? そりゃ天気予報も当たんないね Well, the weather forecast is wrong too 身長だって覚えないし I don't remember your height 下の名前では呼んでくれないんだ You won't call me by my first name そんな恋は雲のようで A love like that 広がって またくっついたりもして Spreads out like a cloud そっと差し出してくれた Then clings to me again 君の変なセンス全開の傘の中も悪くは無いなって With your weird sense, you gently offered your wide-open umbrella もう思う事さえ出来なくなったって It's not so bad under here, it's getting so I can't even think だれのせいよ Whose fault is that? だけど やっぱり雨は降るんだね But it's raining after all とっくに打たれ慣れたって I was struck long ago, got used to it 強がりさえ届かないんだって Only bluffing gets through to you 分かってるんだよ そんなの全部 I understand, all of it 今すぐ流れてしまうように 祈るだけ I can only pray that it starts pouring right now やっぱり雨は降るんだね It's raining after all そうだ 君の声なんて掻き消して That's right, it's erasing your voice このままずぶ濡れ Like this, we're soaked お日様が愛おしくて The sun is precious またね またねって笑うように Smiling, like "see you later" しゃがみ込んでしまった I crouched down 今日の天気は晴れだって? The weather today will be sunny? 疑って待って傘を持った I doubted, and waited, and brought an umbrella トートバッグ リュックサック And a tote bag, and a backpack ほら荷物がもう煩わしいね Hey, this baggage is a pain 結局ずっと変わらないなら In the end, if it's never going to change 頭がいっぱいなんて馬鹿みたいじゃん My head is just full, and I'm an idiot, right? そんな恋は空のようで A love like that 澄み切って 虹は架からなくて Is serene like the sky, though no rainbows appear そっと差し出してくれた I grabbed the eraser that you gently handed me 君の熱心で真剣な所が刻まれた消しゴム握って With your enthusiasm that cuts through any earnest moments もうときめく事 出来なくなったって It's getting so my heart can't even flutter だれのせいよ Whose fault is that? だけど やっぱり雨は降るんだね But it's raining after all とっくに分かり切ってんだ悔しいけど It's been obvious for a long time, it's frustrating 認めたくないって But I don't want to recognize 決まってるんだよ こんなの全部 That all of this is already decided 今すぐ溺れてしまえばいい 思うだけ I can only think that it would be okay if I just drowned in this right now やっぱり雨は降るんだね It's raining after all ずっと君の笑った顔だった It was always your smiling face あの紫陽花とずぶ濡れ Soaking wet with that hydrangeaa 夜空が奪い去って The night sky was stolen away 嫌だ 嫌だって止まるように I hate it! I hate it, and like it would stop, 憂えてしまった I grieved for it だけど やっぱり雨は降るんだね But it's raining after all とうに枯れてしまったってまだ梅雨だよ Though it withered away long ago, it's still the rainy season 後から想ったって After this, I thought 君は遠くに You'd go far away だけど やっぱり雨は降るんだね But it's raining after all とっくに打たれ慣れたって I was struck long ago, got used to it 強がりさえ届かないんだって Only bluffing gets through to you 分かってるんだよ そんなの全部 I understand, all of it 今すぐ 流れてしまうように祈るだけ I can only pray that it starts pouring right now やっぱり雨は降るんだね It's raining after all そうだ 君の声なんて掻き消して That's right, erasing your voice このままずぶ濡れ Like this, we're soaked お日様が愛おしくて The sun is precious またね またねって笑うように Smiling, like "See you later" 溢れ出してしまったんだ My tears overflowed さよならだ This is goodbye またね またねって笑えたんだ I smiled like "See you later"
あのねわたし ルーザーガール Well, I'm a loser girl だって 開き直るしかないじゃん Because there is nothing I can do but to become serious 劣等感だって 悪くはない 仕方がないけど 今はね I can't help it when I feel inferior because that's not that bad 負けられないのよ But now I won't lose ここで勝てなきゃもう 人生 一生 止まって I have to win so that my path for the rest of my life won't stop here じゃあ、わたしに出来ることは何? Even so, what can I do? じゃあ、わたしに出来ることは何? Even so, what can I do? 誰か教えて Someone please tell me それじゃ駄目なの? Am I not that good? って 一生 劣等 ルーザーガール Meaning until I die I'd just become an inferior loser girl あの子みたいになりたくて I want to become like her あの子みたいになれなくて Yet, I can't become like her 楽しくて 満たされて It was really fun, I was really satisfied もういいやって終わるだけ It would only end when I think it's enough 最初って そんなもんで Since the beginning even if it's the only thing, 十分に幸せで It gave me enough happiness でもいつだっけ 足りなくて But I wonder since when it's not enough もういいやって 止まれない It will not stop even when I think it's enough 気がついた時 わたしは When I realized, 何者かになりたくて I want to become someone 段々周りが見えてきたんだ ライバルが沢山ね Gradually looking around, there are so many rivals 段々わたしの立場も見えて Gradually I look at where I'm standing at 大したことないね And it's not a position that matters 劣等感だって悪くはない I can't help when I feel inferior because that's not that bad スパイスなんだけど 今はね It was just to spice things up 痛いだけなのよ But now it's only hurting me ここで立たなきゃもう 人生 一生 止まって I have to stand up so my path for the rest of my life won't only stop here じゃあ、わたしに出来ることは何? Even so, what can I do? じゃあ、わたしに出来ることは何? Even so, what can I do? 努力したけど それじゃ駄目なの? I have worked very hard, but is that alone not enough? って 一生 劣等 ルーザーガール Meaning until I die I'd just become an inferior loser girl あの子みたいになりたくて I want to become like her あの子みたいになれなくて Yet, I can't become like her どんどん周りと距離が離れて ライバルですらなくて I'm getting more distant from my surroundings quickly, to the point they're not even my rivals anymore 段々わたしの足場崩れて Gradually the determination inside me collapsed このまま落ちようか At this rate I will just fall down あのね わたし ルーザーガール Well, I'm a loser girl 待って 置いていかないでよ なんて Please wait, don't leave me like this here あのね わたし ルーザーガール Well, I'm a loser girl だって 開き直るしかないじゃん Because there is nothing I can do but to become serious 劣等感だって 悪くはない 仕方がないけど 今はね I can't help it when I feel inferior because it's not that bad 生き抜くためなのよ But now I have to survive ここで魅せなきゃもう 人生 一生 止まって I have to show and impress them so that my path for the rest of my life won't only stop here じゃあ、わたしに出来ることは何? Even so, what can I do? じゃあ、わたしに出来ることは何? Even so, what can I do? 誰か教えて Someone please tell me それじゃ駄目なの? Am I not that good? って 一生 劣等 ルーザーガール Meaning until I die I'd just become an inferior loser girl 努力したけど それじゃ駄目なの? I've worked very hard, but is that alone not enough? って 一生 劣等 ルーザーガール Meaning until I die I'd just become an inferior loser girl あの子みたいになりたくて I want to become like her あの子みたいになれなくて Yet, I can't become like her
空へ To the sky もう一生こんなキモチだから Because I've felt this way my whole life 梅雨の季節に おいでませ Come join me in the rainy season 騒々しい雨 私をまた濡らすだろう Again the noisy rain will soak me through 空へ To the sky もうぐずらないで Don't fret over it 雲に呑まれた心よ My heart is lost in the clouds 今に降ってしまうわ 雨模様 It'll rain any second now under these overcast skies もう届かなくて I can't reach you anymore 君に呑まれた心が My heart is lost with you 疼いてドクドク脈打って It pounds and throbs in pain いつまでここに居るの? How long will you stay? やめてよ やめてよ なんて Stop! Stop! If only I could これは幻想だって It's all just an illusion 解ってるはずなのに私 I should know that 君を好きなまま But I'm still in love with you 空へ To the sky もう一生こんなキモチだけど Because I'll feel this way for the rest of my life 夏よ早く おいでませ Hurry and join us, summer 騒々しい日々がやってきたら When those noisy days are upon us 誤魔化せるかな Can I hide my feelings? 空へ To the sky ねぇ麗しくて Hey, you're so beautiful 泡に呑まれた心よ My heart is lost in the bubbles 今にはじけちゃうわ 雨模様 Rain will soon burst from these overcast skies もう叶わなくて It won't come true anymore 君に呑まれた心が My heart is lost with you 夏の想い出 掘り返して I'm dredging up memories of summer いつまで笑ってるの? How long will you keep smiling? やめてよ やめてよ なんて Stop! Stop! If only I could これは遠い過去だって It's all in the distant past 解ってるはずなのに私 I should know that 君を好きなんだ But I love you 雨 雨 ざぁざぁ降ってきたね Rain, rain, you sure are pouring 草木が生い茂る程にさ Even the plants are growing big and strong 駄目な心は溺れて My broken heart is drowning 梅雨の匂いがトゲみたいに襲って The scent of the rainy season stabs my heart like a thorn 雨 雨 さぁさぁもっと降れよ Rain, rain, pour even harder 君の笑顔 流し去るまで Until your smiling face is washed away 最後にするよ だから許してね I'll make it the last time, so please grant me this そして蝉時雨響いて And then comes the sound of cicadas 夏がやってきた おいでませ Summer has come to join us 拝啓 お元気ですか Hello, how are you? 胸にしまったよ I've sealed it in my heart 空は青く The sky is blue
雨が降ると心が痛むほど共鳴するんだ When it rains, my heart resonates so much it hurts きっと神様も私と同じで God must be the same as me 涙の向こう側のつよい私なら I wonder if my stronger self, the one beyond the tears 太陽になれるかな will be able to become the sun ただ追いかけて 明日へ向かうけど Though I face tomorrow, just rushing to keep up 狂おしいほど救われていたんだ I was saved so much that it's almost insane 出来ない子でも悪くないなんて Even a failure is not a bad kid 君の言葉が歩幅を合わせた Or as you said, your words matching our strides この日々が終わりなく続くとか That these days will never cease to be 甘い味ばかり期待したよ I had kept hoping for such sweet taste 雨の日も二人 一つの傘だけ Even on rainy days, the two of us, a single lone umbrella 共に歩む道は閉じて The path we set out together on became closed 雨が降ると心が痛むほど共鳴するんだ When it rains, my heart resonates so much it hurts 他の誰からも得られはしなくて This cannot be fulfilled by anyone else 君の涙を見たい 見せて欲しいだけ I just want to see your tears, I want you to show me them 遠すぎるよ 響かないね It's too far and doesnt ring true 夢を見ている 永久に問いかけて I am in a dream, questioning forevermore 足を滑らせ 目が覚めていたんだ I slipped on my feet and then I was awake 出来ない子でしょ 悪さばかりして I'm a failure, right? Always getting into trouble 君のステップが歩幅を狭めた Your steps lessened the gap between our strides 年老いて尚も仲睦まじく Growing old and yet staying good friends 居られること 普通じゃないのね I guess thats not a normal thing 雷の音も二人で聴くから Even the sound of thunder wasnt so scary 怖くなかったのにどうして since we heard it together; so just, why? 雨が降ると心が痛むほど共鳴するんだ When it rains, my heart resonates so much it hurts 残るプレゼント また思い出すよ Your one remaining gift, I'll be reminded of it again 君のキスが欲しくて コーヒー味の Wanting your kiss, tasting of coffee 遠すぎるよ 靄がかり It's too far away, too hazy 大地だって揺れ動く Even the vast earth will move and shake 正義だって覆る Even justice topples down でも心だけは違うと信じていたんだ But I believed our hearts were, at least, the exception 全部 全部 Everything, everything 捨て去ってしまえたら優等生だ If only I could throw it all away, I'd be an honor student 恋も何も要らないよ Love, or anything, I dont need 解ってくれないのはどうして? Why couldnt you just, please, just understand? 雨が降ると心が痛むほど共鳴するけど When it rains, my heart resonates so much it hurts 沈む夜空には手が届かないよ But I still cant reach the falling night sky 遥か彼方の先の淡い君なら You though; the fleeting you who is so far away 太陽になれるね will be able to become the sun 夜明け前の景色が露できらきら煌めいて The scenery before dawn shines and sparkles through the dewdrops きっと神様が意地悪なせいだね Surely, because god is being unkind それでも向こう側のつよい私と Even still, perhaps one day, surely I'll be able to いつかきっと出会えるかな meet my stronger self on the other side 太陽になれるかな Perhaps I'll be able to become the sun
ただでさえ梅雨の季節だろ Even at the best times, there's still a rainy season なのに僕達はじめじめとした Even so, we're speaking 会話ばかりしている している Gloomily all the time あぁ喧嘩だ また喧嘩だ Ah, a fight, another fight 段々強くなる雨 The rain is steadily getting stronger 一向に引く気が無いね I don't feel like pulling one bit どっちもまだお子様だ You're still just a kid either way もう帰るって Already back? 傘も差さずに飛び出した君 You rushed out without taking an umbrella 適当に壁に八つ当たりして僕は寝た In the end, after hitting a wall, I slept 憂鬱な日々が続いても Even if these melancholic days continue 君は僕の一部に過ぎないから You're only a part of me だけどそれじゃ繰り返すか But then it'll repeat また同じように雨に打たれるだけか? Only to get pelted by the rain the same way? 苦い味の中で一喜一憂をしている In the bitter taste, I'm swinging between joy and sorrow ごめん ごめん ごめんって言葉でほら The word "sorry", see? そう 君を笑顔に戻せるなら If you would return with a smile 束の間のまやかしかも知れないけど Though it might just be a brief moment of deception 僕のほうから折れてあげるよって Because you're breaking because of me 明らかに立場上だけど Even though it's clear from a higher point 結局こうすることしか出来ない I can't do anything except this だから当然いつまで経っても That's why no matter how much time passes 雨降り止むことは無いねって The rain won't stop それすらも Even if it's so ただでさえ煩い外だろ Even at the best times, it's still noisy outside なのに僕達もがやがやとした Even so, we're speaking 会話ばかりしている している Noisily all the time あぁ別れだ もう別れよう Ah, it's goodbye, another goodbye 喉を通りかける言葉 It seems like it'd be easier if the words 口に出せば楽になれそうなのに stuck in my throat came out of my mouth どうしてか出来ないから Somehow I can't do it もう帰るって Already back? 今日は傘を差して帰ったね You came back with an umbrella today 適当な食事を摂ってまた僕は寝た After eating an appropriate meal, I slept 最悪なまま途切れていても Even if it'll end at its worst 君は僕の一部に過ぎないから You're only a part of me だからそれに甘えたんだ So I was spoiled by it また調子が良い時に会えば良いんだから It'd be nice to see you in a better time 苦い味の中で一喜一憂をしている In the bitter taste, I'm swinging between joy and sorrow 好きだ 好きだって言葉でほら The words "I like you", see? そう 君との距離を戻せるなら If I could get back to you 束の間のまやかしかも知れないけど Though it might just be a brief moment of deception 僕のほうから泣いてあげるよって Because you're crying because of me 明らかに下に見てるけど Even though it's clear looking down 結局こうすることしか出来ない I can't do anything except this だから当然いつまで経っても That's why no matter how much time passes 雨降り止むことは無いねって The rain wont stop それすらも Even if its so 嫌い 嫌い 嫌いって言葉でほら The word "hate", see? そう 君は僕に問いかけるけど Even if you ask me 別れを切り出してくること無いのは The reason I didn't cut it off 何故なのか全然分からないって Somehow, I don't understand at all 明らかに山は越えてるよ It's clear we're over the worst of it* 何となく今まで一緒だったから? Because somehow we've been together until now そのままずぶずぶになって Just like this, we're getting soaked ごめん ごめん ごめんって言葉でほら The word "sorry", see? そう 君を笑顔に戻せるなら If you would return with a smile 束の間のまやかしかも知れないけど Though it might just be a brief moment of deception 僕のほうから折れてあげるよって Because youre breaking because of me 明らかに立場上だけど Even though its clear from a higher point 結局こうすることしか出来ない I can't do anything except this だから当然いつまで経っても That's why no matter how much time passes 雨降り止むことは無いねって The rain won't stop それすらも Even if its so *(translation note from captions) an idiom meaning to pass the peak situation of something, literally "it's clear weve crossed the mountain"
今 私は息を吸っている Now, I am breathing in air 今 普通の生活送って Now, I live an ordinary life 今 私は上を向いている Now, I am looking up above 今 飛行機が飛んでるわ Now, an airplane is flying 今 あの雲を追いかけたくて Now, wanting to chase that cloud 今 走ろうにも動かなくて Now, I don't move, try as I might to run 今 立ち止まって何になるんだ Now, what's gonna happen when I'm standing still だって「今」は空っぽだから Cause what's "now" is empty 空っぽだから Cause it's empty 雨が降った後の香り The scent after it rains 何か思い出しそうで I kinda feel like I'm almost gonna remember something それは時間の浪費って But that's a waste of time 何で分からないかね Why won't I understand that? 今にしか居られなくて I can only live in the present 当然、前だけが拓けて Of course, only the future opens 其処に沿って進めばいい I'll just move forward along that path そう思うことにしたけど I decided to think that way, but 黒 黒 黒 黒 黒だ It's black, black, black, black, black 黒 黒が襲って It's black, blackness assails me あの時は Back then 遠いあの時は良かったなぁ So long ago, back then, it was a good time 過去に囚われている I am being trapped by the past 人生 人生 人生とか Life, life, life 疾うの昔に完成してんだよ Such a thing was made perfect ages ago 振り返ることでしか証明しようが無いよ I can be certain of it by just looking back 君も地位も全て失った今だ You, my status, I've lost everything 今 私はあくびをしている Now, I am yawning 今 寝ぼけたまま準備をして Now, I am getting ready while half-asleep 今 私は下を向いている Now, I am looking down below 今 水たまりに映って Now, I am reflected on a puddle 今 そのまま吸い込まれたくて Now, I wish I could drown in it right here and there 今 周りの目も気にしなくて Now, I don't care what people think around me 今 立ち止まって何になるんだ Now, what's gonna happen when I'm standing still だって「今」は空っぽだから Cause what's "now" is empty 空っぽだから Cause it's empty 黒 黒 黒 黒 黒だ It's black, black, black, black, black 黒 黒が襲って It's black, blackness assails me あの時は Back then, 遠いあの時は良かったなぁ So long ago, back then, it was a good time 過去に囚われている I am being trapped by the past 人望 人望 人望とか Popularity, popularity, popularity 今じゃ既に手放してんだよ Such a thing I'd already let go of 泣きじゃくることでしか訴えようが無いよ I can only appeal by being a sobbing mess 君も夢も全て失った今だ You, my dreams, now I've lost everything 今 私は息を吸っている Now, I am breathing in air 今 普通の生活送って Now, I live an ordinary life 今 私は上を向いている Now, I am looking up above 今 夕焼け、綺麗ね Now, the sunset is beautiful, isn't it? 今 あの雲を追いかけたくて Now, wanting to chase that cloud 今 走ろうにも動かなくて Now, I don't move, try as I might to run 今 立ち止まって何になるんだ Now, what's gonna happen when I'm standing still だって「今」は空っぽだから Cause what's "now" is empty 空っぽだから Cause it's empty 後は死ぬだけ I'll die afterwards anyway 人生 人生 人生とか Life, life, life 疾うの昔に完成してんだよ Such a thing was made perfect ages ago 振り返ることでしか証明しようが無いよ I can be certain of it just by looking back 最低 失敗したんだね I've hit my worst failure yet, haven't I? 後の祭りだ もう過ぎ去って The festivities have already passed me by 枯れた木の葉みたいに宙を舞ってるよ Just like the withered leaves dancing in the air 君も希望も全て失った今だ You, as well as hope, I've lost everything now 今 私は鬱ぎ込んでいる Now, I am in low spirits 今 私は息を吸っている Now, I am breathing in air 今 私は鬱ぎ込んでいる Now, I am in low spirits 今 砂浜に立っている Now, standing on a sandy beach 今 あの雲を追いかけたくて Now, wanting to chase after those clouds 今 広い海原を走って Now, running towards the wide sea 今 立ち止まらない私に出会えたね Now, I guess you've met the me you weren't able to stop
あ~あ Ugh マジうぜぇあの女 That bitch is so annoying ちょっと顔が良いからってさぁ Just because you're kinda cute 調子乗ってんじゃねぇよ Doesn't mean you need to get on your high horse 男も男で見る目がねぇ And guys are absolutely clueless あの子がやっぱり 一番可愛いよね... She's just the cutest, isn't she...? え!そうかな!私のほうが上...? What? Really? You think I'm cuter...? 褒めてくれてありがとう! Aw, thank you for the compliment! 〇〇君って優しいねっ You're so sweet, So-and-so マジでチョロすぎ Y'all are so easy lol どいつもこいつも馬鹿上等 Every single one of you are fools ドキっドキっ Make your heart go キュンってして? Badump badump squee? ふざけんな お前に Piss off, I'm not 欠片も 興味ねぇよ interested in you in the least 騙くらかすのが趣味ですわ I love pulling one over on you 少々あざとくたって If I act a little cunning and グイ!グイ!グイ! Push! Push! Push! 押せば落ちるし Give you a little push, you'll fall for me わざとらしくたって Even if it seems on purpose どうせバレねぇよ They'll never find out ウソ泣き上等 I'm a pro at fake crying イケメンだって 成功者だって Even if they're hot or successful ちゃっちゃとゲットして I'll get them in no time 飽きたらポイってバイバイ Once I'm bored, I'll bye-bye toss them aside はい、次お前っ Okay, you're next あの子の評判 実際どんなもんかって? What's their rep actually like? え?どうだろ?でも愚痴吐いてたよ? Huh? I dunno, but they were talking shit... 裏がある気がするね They're definitely hiding something 〇〇君 騙されないでっ So-and-so, don't let them fool you マジでチョロすぎ Y'all are so easy lol どいつもこいつも馬鹿上等 Every single one of you are fools 散々騙して 利用してきたけど I've gone and played and used so many いつだって埋まらなくて But I never feel fulfilled 好かれる為なら If it'll get people to like me フェイク フェイク スマイリー I'll put on that fake, fake smiley face どうにもこうにもならなくて I just can't help myself バッド アンド クレイジー I'm bad and crazy 悲劇のヒロインね I'm the heroine of this tragedy あ~あ Ugh マジだりぃあの男 That dude is so tiring ちょっと優しくしてやったからってさぁ Just because I was a little nice to you 浮かれて連絡してくんじゃねぇよ Doesn't mean you just go and contact me お前もとっくに用済み乙 I've been done with you, bye loser ブサイク カネズル アッシー メッシー Uggo, sugar daddy, wheels, feed me キープ ミツグ ツナグ 笑笑 Keep 'em, treat me, let's connect, lolol いかにチヤホヤされるかが重要! The most important thing is how much attention you can get! 引き立て役なら大歓迎! You can be my friend if you make me look better! お前ら私に捨てられたんだよ Don't you get it? I dumped all of you そのまま一生指くわえとけよ Just go crawl in your corner sucking your thumb なんで知らん間に報われてんだよ? How did this all pay off before I knew it? やだ!やだ!無理!無理! Nope! Nope! I can't! I can't! ムカつく!ギター! I'm pissed off! Guitar solo! マジ、覚えとけ? You won't get away with this, for real どいつもこいつも地獄行きだね All you fools are going to hell 死ねよ Unalive yourselves* 散々騙して 利用してきたけど I've gone and played and used so many いつだって同じ結末 But it always ends up the same こんなに盗って奪っても Even after I steal and take so much フェイク フェイク スマイリー I'll put on that fake, fake smiley face どうすりゃ良いんだよ?死にたくて What am I supposed to do? I just want to die バッド アンド クレイジー I'm bad and crazy 惨めな馬鹿女って I obviously know that 当然解ってるけど? I'm a pathetic, stupid girl あの子みたいになれたらって I just want to be like her あ~あ Ugh, やっぱうぜぇこの女 That bitch is so annoying 顔も性格も良いとかさぁ How am I supposed to win 勝ち目ねぇじゃんかよ When you've got a pretty face and a heart of gold? 人生とかマジめんどくせぇ Life is seriously such a pain 暇 暇 暇 暇 Bored, bored, bored, bored うぜぇ うぜぇ うぜぇ うぜぇ Shut up, shut up, shut up, shut up だりぃだりぃだりぃだりぃ Tired, tired, tired, tired めんどくせぇけど はい、次お前 This is a pain, but you're next ドキっドキっ Make your heart go キュンってして? Badump badump squee? ふざけんな お前ら Piss off, I'm not 欠片も 興味ねぇよ Interested in you in the least 騙くらかすのが趣味だったはずなのに I love pulling one over on you** *死ねよ literally just means "kill yourself"/"go die". I dont know what doofus decided it should be translated as "unalive" but I cannot in good faith lead people to believe that this is what the song actually says. It will forever annoy me, but I kept it in for archival purposes. **This is not the same line as in the beginning, and translates more to "I was supposed to love pulling one over on you"
最悪だ 最低だ お前らのせいだ This is the worst, this is horrible, it's all on you guys そもそも頼んでもないのに産むのやめて? Can you stop giving birth to me when I didn't even ask to be in the first place? 最初から居なければ楽だったのに It would have been much easier if I wasn't here from the start それなのに お前らのせいだ But nevertheless, it's all on you guys 居場所の一つもろくに無いわたし達の For those of us who don't have a place we belong in, 反撃の日々だ There are our days of fighting back 愛の正解も知らないけど I don't even know what the answer to love it but, 今が楽しければそれで良いよね? If I'm having fun right now, that's all that matters, right? この街の初期メンに繋がりは居ないけど I didn't have any connections to the initial members of this city but, 夜な夜な見たニュースの動画で知ったよ I found out about them from watching the news videos every night 此処じゃわたしみたいな不幸な子達が I've heard there were unhappy children like me, 過ごしてるんだって who were spending their time here なけなしのお小遣いで制服揃えて Affording a uniform with the little pocket money that I had, 手頃な刃に市販薬も大量に as well as lots of affordable blades and over-the-counter drugs ランドセルに入れたら If I've put them in my school bag, さぁ 出発だ Well, it's time to go 憧れは 拗らせてしまえばしまうほど Longing is something that, the more you make it worse, この身を蝕んでくの 今日も稼がなきゃ the more it eats you up; I have to make money today as well わたしお買い得だからもっと来てよ? I'm a bargain, so come back more often will you? 貢いでも あなたは あなたは Even if you give me money, you're 目を合わせてはくれないのね not seeing eye-to-eye with me 本当はもう 全部知ってるよ The thing is, I knew all about it だってほら 傷の数はずっと増えてんだよ Because, you see, the number of wounds have been increasing 今日も明日も刻むだけね Even today, even tomorrow, I'll just cut myself 身体も心もズタズタのわたし Both my body and my heart are in pieces でも生きてるの だから But I'm alive, so that's why 誰でもいい 嘘でもいいから認めて? I don't care who you are, it doesn't matter if it's a lie, just please appreciate me? 最後の逃げ場だからさ This is my last chance to get away 夢でも構わないから Even if it's a dream, I don't care 手繋いでいようよ Let's just keep holding hands 愛の正体も知らないけど I don't even know the true meaning of love but, 今が楽しければそれで良いよね? If I'm having fun right now, that's all that matters, right? だってほら 余命だってずっと減り続けて Because, you see, even my life expectancy has been decreasing わたしの価値 今どれくらい? My value, how much would it be now? いつまでこの街で生きていくことが出来るのかな I wonder how long I could keep living in this city 時の流れがおかしくて もうあの子も居ないね It's funny how time flies by, that other girl is gone too 最後の逃げ場だからさ This is my last chance to get away これ以上堕ちてしまえば If this goes any further, この世にバイバイかな I think I'll end up saying bye-bye to this world 最悪だ 最低だ お前らのせいだ This is the worst, this is horrible, it's all on you guys 死ぬまで許すことないわ 呼ぶのもやめて? I'll never forgive you until the day I die, so can you stop calling me? 最初から選べれば楽だったのに It would have been much easier if I could have chosen from the start それなのに お前らのせいだ But nevertheless, it's all on you guys 居場所の一つもろくに無いわたし達の For those of us who don't have a place we belong in, 反撃の日々だ This are our days of fighting back だったのに 他人の数で誤魔化したって ...or so it would have been. Even if I fool myself with the numbers of other people, 埋まることないこの心が I couldn't fill this heart up 触れた記憶すらない愛を求め今叫びだして Now I'm starting to ask and shout out for a love that I don't even remember grasping この街の中でも幸せになれませんか? Is there no way that I could be happy in this city? 外の世界は怖くて The outside world scares me 此処しか許されなくて This is the only place I'm allowed to be in あぁ もう八方塞がりだ Ah, I don't even have anywhere to go anymore! そうやって一生 行き詰りながら生きて Just like that, for the rest of my life, I'm living at a dead end あぁ 絶望だって失望だって Ah, even hopelessness and disappointment とうに廃ってるよ They're long gone 羽根のないこんな身体には For a body without wings like mine, 地獄がお似合いだって I've been told hell is a good place for me 誰かの笑い声で耳が痛くて Someone's laughter is making my ears hurt せいぜい今楽しんでね? You should enjoy the moment now at its fullest, okay? 将来この国ごと終わるから This whole country would end in the future 荒れるだけ今荒れて So let me be rough now, as much as I can 近い未来でほら滅びましょ Because you see, in the near future, we'll just perish
初夏の日差しに縋っても Even relying on the early summers sunshine, 立ち止まってはくれないから I don't seem to be able to stay still 後ろ姿を追うだけで精一杯なんだけど ねぇ I'm already giving my all following you from behind, you know? Hey, 朝焼け夕焼けこやけの中で If even in the morning glow or sunset glow 二人遠のいてくなら we both are still so far, then テントウみたいになって lets both become 僕らは like ladybugs 熱されて溶けた道ばたのアイスだって Even that ice cream that heated and melted on the road 元は誰かが買ったよ Originally, someone bought it そんなことばっか考えて Only thinking something like that 身が入んなくて I just cant feel like myself ごめんね Sorry せいぜい With all my might 手とか繋いではしゃいだって Holding your hand playfully それだけでも見上げたものね I even looked up to something like that 正解とかよく分かってないけど I don't really know the right answer まだ早いよ ちょっとまって It's still early, wait a minute 劣等生だい Inferior student 心配したって損得に眩んで Dazzled by worrying in loss and gain この言葉の先 想像してみたって I tried to imagine the meaning behind those words 見えてこないままのキモチを汗に流したんだ These feelings I have that I can't see, I sweated out 君と夏の背を迎えてしまいそうな You and summer's back seem to welcome me 風薫る空の下 Under the summer breeze サイダーみたいな恋だね It's a cider-like love 空の上から見た景色 The scenery seen from the top of the sky 小さくてとても儚いから Is so small and ephmeral 君は瞳を光らせて対照的なんだけど ねぇ Your eyes shine in a way that seems to contrast it, you know? Hey, 初めてやって来た場所は Between the first place I came to どこか懐かしく思えたわ Somewhere, I felt nostalgic 琉球 国際通り 風になって Ryukyu Kokusai Street becomes wind 海際で見つけた星の砂だって Even the starfish that I found at the seaside 元は生き物だったよ Originally was a living creature そんなこと知って Knowing such a thing 何の得になるんだって話だよね Won't really get anywhere; thats all there is to it, right? せいぜい With all my might 目とか塞いで嘆いたって Just crying and covering my eyes それだけならマシだったのにさ I would have been satisfied if it was just that 人生とかまだ先長いけど Life is still a long way ahead もう終わっていいかなって But I wonder if it can just end now 劣等生だい Inferior student 停滞したって心刻んで Becoming stagnant and carving on my heart この茜の空 見たくもないやって The sunset sky that I don't even want to see anymore 逃げてばかりだけどキモチは君一つだった I'm always running away, but these feelings were only because of you 独り夏の陰 見惚れてしまったんだ Alone, I'm fascinated by the shade of summer 風薫る空の下 Under the summer breeze また朝が来て想ったよ I thought morning was going to come again せいぜい With all my might 声とか張ってなんぼの世界で In a world where things like my voice are strained ただ閉じ込めるのはどうして? Why am i just confined on it? そんなこと出来たら困ってないよ If I can be able to do that, I dont bother だから僕はいつだって So thats why im always the 劣等生だい 劣等生だい 劣等生だい Inferior student, inferior student, inferior student せいぜい With all my might 手とか繋いではしゃいだって Holding your hand playfully それだけでも見上げたものね I even looked up to something like that 正解とかよく分かってないから I don't really know the right answer 教えてよ どんな子が Tell me, what kind of a child is 優等生だい? an honor student? 失敗したって損得に眩んで Dazzled by worrying in loss and gain* この言葉の先 想像してみたって I tried to imagine the meaning behind those words 見えてこないままのキモチを汗に流したんだ These feelings I have that I can't see, I sweated out 君と夏の夢 目覚めてしまったんだ I woke up from a dream of you and summer 風薫る空の下 Under the summer breeze 痛いのはね 慣れっこだよ The pain, I'm already used to it*this should be "Dazzled by failure in loss and gain"
奴隷な私ね I am a slave やりたくないこと 大人なんかに Something I don't want to do, the adults 押し付けられている They're forcing on us どこで使うの? Where will I use this? 馬鹿な知恵の輪 付き合って This foolish circle of wisdom that I'm attached to じゃあ辞めたら辞めたで Then, I'll quit, if I could quit 最低保証すらないし There is no minimum amount needed anyway やりたくない やりたくない I don't want to do it, I don't want to do it じゃあ やりたいことは? Then, what do you want to do? 知らない 知らないよって I don't know, I said I don't know これしかやったことないし This is the only thing I've ever done 死にたくない 死にたくない I don't want to die, I don't want to die じゃあ 生きたい訳は? Then what's your reason to live? 知らない 知らないよって I don't know, I said I don't know ただ奴隷 奴隸と化している Just a slave, you've become a slave like the others この状況はどうすれば What do I do with this situation 打破 打破 打破 打破 sort it sort it sort it sort it* 出来ますか? Can I do that? どうせ どうせ どうせ Anyhow, anyhow, anyhow 変わり様が無いなってほらね It didn't even change, can't you see 嘆いて慣れ合うだけの All we do is get used to being sad 背を向けても Even when we turn our backs 堂々巡り 堂々としてないけど We're going in circles, but it's not opening あの言葉をおもいだせ Remember what they said まあ大したことなんて教わってないけど Well, they didnt teach me much of anything useful あぁ こんなことなら早々にグレてりゃ良かった Ah, I shouldve dropped early and stayed out of this 私なんて I can't believe this 奴隷じゃないならなんですか? What if this isn't a slave? やりたくない やりたくない I don't want to do it, I don't want to do it じゃあ やりたいことは? Then, what do you want to do? 知らない 知らないよって I don't know, I said I don't know これしかやったことないし This is the only thing I've ever done 負けたくない 負けたくない I dont want to lose, I don't want to lose じゃあ 勝ちたい訳は? Then, why do you want to win? 知らない 知らないよって I don't know, I said I don't know ただ奴隷 奴隸と化している Just a slave, you've become a slave like the others この状況はどうすれば What do I do with this situation 打破 打破 打破 打破 break it break it break it break it* 出来ますか? Can I do that? どうせ どうせ どうせ Anyhow, anyhow, anyhow 無駄の積み重ねだってほらね It's just a bunch of wasted effort, can't you see 投げだせば楽になるのかい? Wouldn't it be easier if you just threw them out? 差をつけても Even if it makes a difference 微々たるもんで 全体の中じゃ見えない Its very insignificant, invisible in the big picture この頭に問い質せ Question it in your head まあそもそもこんな人生に価値ないけど Well, I didn't deserve this life in the first place あぁ こんなことなら数秒遅れてりゃ良かった Ah, I wish I'd been late for a few more seconds 私なんて I can't believe 奴隷じゃないならなんですか? What if this isn't a slave? どこで使うの? Where will I use this? 馬鹿な知恵の輪 付き合って This foolish circle of wisdom that I'm attached to じゃあ辞めたら辞めたで Then, I'll quit, if I could quit 最低保証すらないし There is no minimum amount needed anyway 名誉も権利もXで No honor, no right 操り人形かい Just a bunch of puppets じゃあ 逃げたら逃げたで Then I'll run away, if I could run away 名前さえ消え去って Even if my name disappears やりたくないこと 大人なんかに Something I don't want to do, the adults 押し付けられている They're forcing it on us 奴隸と化している I've become a slave to them やりたくない やりたくない I don't want to do it, I don't want to do it じゃあ やりたいことは? Then, what do you want to do? 知らない 知らないよって I don't know, I said I don't know これしかやったことないし This is the only thing I've ever done 死にたくない 死にたくない I don't want to die, I don't want to die じゃあ 生きたい訳は? Then what's your reason to live? 知らない 知らないよって I don't know, I said I don't know ただ奴隸 奴隸と化している Just a slave, you've become slave like the others この状況はどうすれば What do I do with this situation 打破 打破 打破 打破 break it break it break it break it 出来ますか? Can you do that? *this line is translated as both "sort it" and "break it", but the word 打破 does not change throughout the song. The definition is "breaking down; defeating; abolishing", so both meanings can be seen as correct.
夏の暑さも 皆の想いも The heat of summer days, like the feelings in our hearts いつかは 夜風に吹かれてもう I know the night breeze will set them dancing 前にしか進めないと 知ったから(綺麗な) As soon as I understood all I could do was move ahead (so lovely) 枯れないで 落とさないで Don't let the petals wither or let them fall 胸に抱いた 花束を The flowers of the bouquet I held close to my heart もしも思い出の 陰に手を伸ばしたら If you reach out to the shadows of memories まだ見ぬ景色は 遠ざかるばかりで Places you've yet to see will only move further away 迷いも 戸惑いも 証明だって Thinking doubt and confusion are your proof 今までの夢が 在って Surely there were dreams you had before 振り返れば 沢山の笑顔魅せて Look back to see so many enchanting smiles 手と 手を 繋ぎあって Joined together, hand in hand 育んだ絆だけは たった ひとつ Only this bond we've forged, the one and only 叶えたい夢に なんて 名前を付けようか The wish you want made true, let's give it a name 痛みを伴う これは夢と 呼べるのかい? Would you call this a dream, that comes with such pain? 答えのない問いに縋って Begging the answer to an impossible question 季節が移りゆくようで Coming and going like the seasons 天地自然の理だと 心に言い聞かせ Reasoning with all the logic in heaven and earth どんな結末がお望みだい? What sort of ending are you wishing for? このふたつの想いは 共存出来ないものか I wonder if it's impossible for these two memories to coexist もしも花束に 火をつけてしまったら If you touch this bouquet to the flames これまで積み上げた ものはガラクタで And reduce all you've ever gained to rubble 願いも 愛情も 本当だって Both your wish and your love are true 今までの夢を 抱いて Your former dreams held to your heart 振り返れば 沢山の感謝に満ちて Look back to see all the gratitude teeming 目と目で 向かい合って Facing eachother, eye to eye 育んだ 絆 だけは たったひとつ Only this bond we've forged, the one and only 叶えたい夢に なんて The wish you want made true 名前を付けようか Lets give it a name 別れが伴う これは夢と 呼べるのかい? Would you call this a dream, if it ends in our parting? 早々に行き詰まって 奇跡頼り 弱音吐いて Racing towards a dead end, counting on a miracle, complaining all the while 天地自然の理には 心も抗えず All the logic in heaven and earth are no match for the heart どんな結末がお望みだい? What sort of ending are you wishing for? 叶えたい夢に なんて 名前をつけようか The wish you want made true, lets give it a name 痛みを乗り越えた 先でなら 笑えるかい? Once we've overcome pain, can we smile again? 答えのない問いに背いて 季節はまた巡るようで Turn your back on the impossible question, returning again like the seasons 天地自然の理すら 覆す絆だと All the logic in heaven and earth can't stand up to this bond きっと結末は幸せだ I know the ending will be a happy one
盲目!信者! Obsessive! Intolerant! 盲目!信者! Obsessive! Intolerant! 盲目!信者! Obsessive! Intolerant! はい おしまい And, the end キラキラな言葉に踊らされ You're getting swayed back and forth by some sparkling words 推しぴが絶対 Cuz there's no way そんなことするわけないもんね!って my Oshi-p would do something like this! 現実見えてます? Umm, can't you see the reality? 証拠は全部 押さえられてるのに(どんまい!) All the proof against it is right in front of you lol (no hard feelings!) わたしの推しぴ こんな不細工じゃないよ My Oshi-p is not as ugly as you say? あ これマルマルって人じゃん(あーあ) Ah, isn't this person ___? (Oh~ lord...) とっくに洗脳されちゃって You were brainwashed long ago アイコンばっか見すぎちゃって And always looking at the icon too much かわいそうね Oh how pitiful... いつかオトナになれるといいね Would be nice if you grow up one day スマートフォン GET して First you get the smartphone then ようつべ ついったー ついきゃす YouTube, Twitter, TwitCasting 情報弱者のまんま 推しが出来ました You made an Oshi while still info-illiterate 今日から あなたの為に尽くします From today I will do everything for you 全財産つぎ込んで 夢の世界へ Dump all my worth, and join this dream world あなたの言葉で My mind is 脳がとろけそうになって about to melt from your words 好きだよ 好きだよ 他の誰よりも I love you, I love you, more than anyone else 毎日 いいねと リプは欠かさないから Everyday, I'll never forget to like and reply ライブも どこでも遠征頑張っちゃうね LIVEs too, no matter where, I'll do everythinhg to be there capeesh? はい おしまい And, the end ペラペラな言葉に踊らされ You're getting swayed back and forth by some flabby words 推しぴに限っては Cuz only my Oshi-p あんなことするわけないもんね!って would never do something like that! 暴露されてますよ? Um.. but it's already debunked? 壮大に今 お祭り騒ぎだね(どんまい!) It's a massive shouting fest right now lol (no hard feelings!) わたしの推しぴこんな酷いことしないよ Theres no way my Oshi-p would do something so cruel? あ この女虚言だね!(あーあ) Ah, this girl is a liar (Oh~ lord...) とっくに洗脳されちゃって You were brainwashed long ago 害悪行為 キマっちゃって And you went through with the harmful deed 救いようがないね There is no saving you it seems... いつかオトナになれるといいね Would be nice if you grow up one day これくらいのことで騒ぎすぎなのよ Y'all make too much commotion for something so small 本当だとしても And even if it were true, 降りるわけない!ない!ない! I'd never step down! Never...! Never...! 今日もあなたの為に戦います Today too I will fight on your behalf 全力で拡散だ 敵の視界へ With all my strength I disperse, to the enemy's field of sight あなたの言葉で早く聞きたいから Because I want to hear your voice ASAP 信じて 信じて I'll keep my faith, I'll keep my faith いい子にしてます いい子にしてます I'll be a good kid, I'll be a good kid 朝からトレンド入りしてるよ You're trending from the morning, that's great 凄いね沢山の仲間達が 手を繋ぎ合わせ So many friends link their hands together and はい 頭お花畑乙ー There, it's a flower garden in your heads, good work 盲目!信者! Obsessive! Intolerant! 盲目!信者! Obsessive! Intolerant! 盲目!信者! Obsessive! Intolerant! 盲目!信者! Obsessive! Intolerant! 盲目!信者! Obsessive! Intolerant! 盲目!信者! Obsessive! Intolerant! 盲目!信者! Obsessive! Intolerant! 超絶ギター! Let's go! Guitar! キラキラな言葉に踊らされ You're getting swayed back and forth by some sparkling words 推しぴが絶対 Cuz there's no way そんなことするわけないもんね!って my Oshi-p would do something like this! 先ほど認めました Umm, they admitted it not so long ago 証拠は全部 本物確定だね(どんまい!) Now we can confirm all the evidence was true lol (no hard feelings!) わたしの推しぴ My Oshi-p's activities 活動休止になっちゃった have become suspended でもまだ信じてるからね(あーあ) Even then I will still believe you (Oh~ lord...) この期に及んでまだ言うか? You're gonna say this even after all that's happened? 被害者のこと考えて? Even after putting the victim in your mind? かわいそうね Oh how pitiful... 推しも所詮は人だから At the end of the day, your Oshi is human 君も所詮は人だから At the end of the day, you are human いつかオトナになれるといいね Would be nice if you grow up one day ところで大人って By the way, どういう状態のこというの? what's it mean to be an adult? 情報弱者のまんまだから知りませんって I'm an info-illiterate so I do not know 今日からあなたの為に尽くします From now on I will give my best to you 全財産つぎ込んで バッドエンド Stuff in all my fortunes and it's a BAD END
This is an archive of the approved English translations for TUYU songs. All of these are taken directly from the subtitles of each official upload. Some translations may be a little off or strangely worded, but for archival's sake corrections will not be made.
Later I might add translations for their other songs too (the ones with deleted/no official uploads) but for now I'm just archiving these before they get deleted. RIP TUYU :(
Below are the URLs from the original uploads, which can be used to search archive.org
Being low as dirt -- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M7FH1dL51oU Compared Child -- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=olWvy0PiLfA Damonisch -- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wx08V5jPEwg Even Tears Withered --https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5xfNTyy-Xhk Faithful Dog Hachi -- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G5HKY-vM_6g Goodbye to Rock You -- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1cGQotpn8r4 Hide and Seek Alone -- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bq0ZINOzVng If There Was An Endpoint -- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vcw5THyM7Jo I'm Getting on the Bus -- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4QXCPuwBz2E It Might be Painful -- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K8GZ8SoNfmE It's Raining After All -- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D0ehC_8sQuU It's Raining Nevertheless -- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HwGFMez_Tnc Loser Girl -- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6rg4cYlAKOc Overcast Skies -- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9z7g8hsjmxA Maybe I can become the sun -- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E2b_bvTbDz8 To Bask in the Rain -- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6oD3YkYOJxY Trapped in the Past -- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lGFEqEFJ410 Under Heroine -- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mHnt8TVbC9M Under Kids -- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TBoBfT-_sfM Under the Summer Breeze -- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LoK17z6xDwI What if this isn't a Slave? -- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4tT0j_-42Ac What sort of Ending -- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F9sWMsUNDw0 When the Morning Glory Falls -- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VP7FM1yyMpU Would be nice if you grew up -- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cp8UEv8i0lc
Songs with no official translation: It's Raining Nevertheless, When The Morning Glory Falls